30 años de Adash – Huevo de pascua en analizador de vibraciones


Dear clients, distributors and all Adash fans,

We would like to thank to all our clients which helped us and helping us with development of Adash hardware and software.

Big thank also to all our distributors because with their help Adash company is celebrating 30 years of its existence and we are proud to have you in our family.

This way we would like to give a little gift to all VA3Pro users in form of a game inside.

To protect VA3Pro operators against firing off from work, we created so called “Boss key”. This means you can escape from the game by one button click and end up in fake analyzer screen once the boss is approaching.

We hope you will find this feature funny and relaxing and will fill the spare time while not doing analysis or data collection.

Please be sure that we did not get out of our minds, development of vibration analysis hardware and software is still our priority.

Enjoy the game and stay safe!