Últimas versiones - A4300 VA3 Pro

Versión 1.32


  • Export trend to csv (see manual Analyzer / Export)
  • Balancer report in csv format (see manual Balancer / Balancer Menu / Report (csv))
  • Fast sampling in amp + phase (see manual Analyzer / New Meas (Advanced) / Sampling)


Versión 1.31


  • Oversampling (higher sampling frequency defined by user) (see manual Analyzer / New Meas (Advanced) / Fsampling)
  • Finishing Averaging (see manual Analyzer / New Meas (Advanced) / Avg)
  • Retrig in route (see manual Route / Route Meas Mode)
  • Trigger edge can be defined for tacho / external sensor (see manual Main menu / Tacho / External)
  • External trigger edge and level removed from trigger menu and united with tacho sensor (see manual Main menu / Tacho / External)
  • Sensors list import (see manual Main menu / AC Sensors / Sensors list import)
  • Angles Counting marks (see manual Main menu / Global / Angles Counting)

Versión 1.30


  • Angles (phases) with or against rotation (see manual Main menu / Global / Angles Counting)
  • Balancing: new design and terminology (see manual Balancer)
  • Balancing: operating speed parameter (see manual Balancer / Balancer Menu / Rotor Settings / Operating Speed)
  • Balancing: trial weight position (see manual Balancer / Single Plane Balancing / Trial Run)
  • Balancing: more than 255 values in averaging available
  • Sensor's name and notes added to csv export (see manual Analyzer / Meas Menu / Export to csv)
  • Flat top window (see manual Analyzer / New Meas / New Meas (Advanced) / Window)
  • Import of basic meas list (see manual Analyzer / New Meas / New Meas (Basic))
  • Peaks list in spectrum graph (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Peaks List)
  • Relaxed restrictions of highest sampling frequency (see manual Analyzer / New Meas / New Meas (Advanced) / Fmax)

Versión 1.29


  • Limits for static measurements in Analyzer (see manual The Analyzer mode / Next Meas functions / Limits)
  • Limits for static measurements in Route (see manual The Route mode / Limits)
  • Limits multipliers (enables to increase or decrease limits) and Acc fmin in Meter (see manual Meter / Meter Settings)
  • Limits multipliers and Acc fmin in FASIT (see manual FASIT / FASIT Settings)
  • Total Mass in Balancer (see manual The Balancer / Project Menu / Total Mass)

Versión 1.28


  • Eeaster Egg - Snake game
  • Balancer: Unbalance value displayed (see manual The Balancer / Single Plane Balancing)
  • New language - Turkish

Versión 1.27


  • Frequency range up to 90 kHz (see manual The Analyzer mode / New Meas / New Meas (Advanced) / Fmax)

Versión 1.26


  • Adjustable FASIT limits (see manual FASIT / Settings)
  • Sensor's name (see manual Main menu / AC sensors)
  • Value type (RMS, 0-P, P-P) defined globaly (see manual Main menu / Global)
  • Channel switching during measurement in meter mode (see manual Meter / Sensors Settings)
  • Channel switching during measurement in fasit mode (see manual FASIT / Sensors Settings)
  • Actual date displayed together with actual time in status bar

Versión 1.25


  • New highest resolution (speed / 1024) is available for balancing and 1x ampl + phase measurement (see manual The Analyzer mode/New Meas/New Meas (Advanced)/Resolution)
  • Lower "Band fmin" than 10Hz is available for FASIT (see manual FASIT/Settings/Band fmin)
  • New language support - French

Versión 1.24


  • Spanish language version added
  • ACMT detect type RMS or PEAK (see manual The Analyzer mode/ACMT measurement)
  • More than 255 averages enabled
  • New parameter "Advanced" in menu Global (see manual Main menu/Global)
  • The upper line contains more information about displayed graph.
  • Export to csv (see manual The Analyzer mode/Export/Export to csv)

Versión 1.21


  • Point change while measured data are displayed (see manual The Route mode/The Route buttons description)
  • "Save Data" Dialog (see manual Main menu/Global)
  • The Start / Stop / Save button in analyzer mode changed to Start / Stop

Versión 1.19


  • Minor fixes

Versión 1.18


  • Minor fixes

Versión 1.17


  • The Start / Stop / Save button in analyzer mode (see manual The Analyzer mode/The Analyzer buttons description/The F3 button (Start / Stop / Save))

Versión 1.16


  • Minor fixes

Versión 1.15


  • Easy access strobo mode (see manual Strobo/Easy Access)
  • Auto-forward to next point in the route (see manual Main menu/Global/Route Auto Forward)
  • Images in balancer (see manual The Balancer/Project Menu/Balancer Settings)
  • Graphic for balancer result (see manual The Balancer/Single plane balancing/RUN 2 - the RESULT screen)
  • "Remove trial mass" question after trial run (see manual The Balancer/Single plane balancing/RUN 2 screen – Measurement with trial)
  • Different number of blades for each plane (see manual The Balancer/Project Menu/Balancer Settings)
  • Balancing mass splitting (see manual The Balancer/Single plane balancing/RUN 2 - the RESULT screen)
  • Change of blades (see manual The Balancer/Single plane balancing/RUN 2 - the RESULT screen)
  • Various correction mass radius for each plane (see manual The Balancer/Project menu/Rotor Settings))

Versión 1.14


  • Time synchro averaging for spectra (see manual The Analyzer Mode/New Meas/New Meas (Advanced)/Averaging)
  • Ampl Tacho (see manual Main menu/Trigger/Use Ampl Tacho)
  • Clear last data (see manual Analyzer/Functions for set)
  • Manual entry of DC values (see manual The Analyzer Mode/New Meas/New Meas (Advanced)/Manual entry)
  • Predefined texts while entering names

Versión 1.13


  • Alarm value "none" enabled (Meter/Settings/Alarms)
  • Page Up / Page Down (see manual, chapter: How to work with the menu and lists/Lists)

Versión 1.12


  • Reference spectrum recalculated according to value type (RMS, 0P, PP)

Versión 1.11


  • Detection of tacho trig level (Menu/Sensors/Tacho)
  • Ultrasound data type

Versión 1.10


  • Minor fixes

Versión 1.09


  • Ultrasound module
  • Route sensors checking (Menu/Global/Check Route Sensors)

Versión 1.08


  • New data type: record
  • Notes
  • Reference values
  • Manual entry
  • Strobo: divide/multiply frequency by 2
  • Setupable settling prolongation (Menu/Sensors/Settling Prolongation)
  • Balancer: negative value of trial mass enabled (removing mass)
  • Background color black/white (Menu/Global/Background Color)

Versión 1.07


  • The runup mode
  • Averaging types for static values (linear, maximum, minimum, median)
  • Detect types for static values (crest, kurtosis, avg)
  • Saving data in route faster
  • Low frequency cut off for g-demod spectra

Versión 1.05


  • Speed Detection
  • New appearance of FASIT
  • FASIT as meas type
  • True and Scaled detect types
  • Peak hold averaging
  • Ir temperature data type

Versión 1.04


  • The Recorder Mode

Versión 1.03


  • The Meter Mode
  • Text recommendations in FASIT

Versión 1.02


  • First release